2006 Nissan QuestMileage236,421Service Date12/8/2021Services PerformedState Insp. Passenger CarEmissions InspectionPA Communications FeeREMOVE REAR DOOR PANEL TO REPLACE TAG LIGHT Mourad S. gave our service a 5 star review on 12/8/2021
2019 Nissan RogueMileage17,883Service Date9/9/2021Services PerformedLubricate and check chassis. Change oil and oil filter. Check air filter and breather filter. Check all fluid levels and tire pressures.ROTATE & BALANCE 4 TIRES Deirdre S. gave our service a 5 star review on 9/9/2021
2011 Nissan JukeMileage62,257Service Date10/20/2020Services PerformedSTORAGE 11 DAYS $ 95.00 PER DAY Cheri W. gave our service a 5 star review on 10/20/2020
2010 Nissan AltimaMileage82,465Service Date2/7/2020Services PerformedState Insp. Passenger CarEmissions InspectionPA Communications FeeREPLACE FRONT DISC BRAKES and ROTORS, LUBE CALIPER PINS, SLIDES and TOP UP BRAKE FLUIDMOUNT and COMPUTER BALANCE 2 TIRESLubricate and check chassis. Change oil and oil filter. Check air filter and breather filter. Check all fluid levels and tire pressures. Timothy and Erica M. gave our service a 5 star review on 2/7/2020
We Service and RepairMost Nissan Cars and Trucks Services Performed All General Repair and Maintenance